PyConFr 2015


Charlie Clark

I am a freelance Python programmer and content management specialist based in Düsseldorf in Germany. I am a long-time user of, and contributor to, the Zope and Pyramid web frameworks, and have been co-maintainer of the openpyxl project, a library for working with Microsoft Excel files, since 2013.

Having studied Film and Television at Glasgow and Valenciennes I have always considered myself an "accidental programmer". But in the last few years I've found myself using Python with more and more confidence to solve real-world problems, especially since I got involved in openpyxl.

I'm a big fan of software testing, especially with pytest and tox. I'm more a fan of test-supported than test-driven development: at the end of the day you must ship code even if you know that it isn't perfect.

Together with Marc-André Lemburg of eGenix, I organise the Python Düsseldorf meetings once a quarter.


The Art of Doing Nothing – Using profiling to speed up your code

samedi 15:25:00–15:50:00 in Amphi 200

When generated code makes sense

dimanche 15:25:00–15:50:00 in Amphi 200