PyConFr 2014

Lyon, October 25-28

PyConFR 2014

Clément Moulin-Frier

I am a researcher in the Flowers group at Inria in Bordeaux, France. I work in Developmental Robotics, which is a rather recent research field taking inspiration from infant development to build and program autonomous robots. For example, we conceive artificial curiosity algorithms allowing robots to autonomously explore the world in which they evolve and focus on interesting tasks of increasing complexity.

In this context I am using the Poppy open-source humanoid robot designed in the Flowers group by Matthieu Lapeyre (design and hardware) and Pierre Rouanet (software). Poppy is powered by the Pypot library, which is an open-source Python library allowing an easy and fast control of custom robots based on dynamixel motors.

I recently released the Explauto library which is also open-source and in Python. It allows to easily equipped a robot with exploration and learning abilities and can be used on Poppy to create developmental behaviors.

All these tools are intended to be used by the greater audience and in particular by coders, robotics fans or artists. They are all open-source and we strongly encourage all kind of contributions and modifications both on the hardware and the software.


[E/R] Poppy - la plateforme robotique humanoïde qui s'adresse à tous

samedi 17:00:00–17:30:00 in Amphi T9
